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Hunter the Hunter

hunter black bear

Hunter Fountain's Outdoor Dream Foundation hunt was an Alberta Black Bear adventure hosted by Jeremy Hatala and his staff at Double Diamond Wilderness Hunts. North of Ft. McMurray the country is truly wild… wooded and swampy, plenty of bears, and even more mosquitos!


hunter atvshunter atvs bridgeAt about 2:00 pm each day the hunting group mounted ATV's (quads or bikes in Canadian speak) and rode up to 30 miles over dusty roads, through waste deep bogs, and across bridges that would make government regulators cringe. Hunter, his dad Rodney, and cameraman Gene Bidlespacher crowded into a ground blind less than 20 yards from each bear bait. During the hunt, the bears got up close and personal, poking their noses to the blind. Hunter was calm and cool through it all. Rodney and Gene claim they weren't nervous.


tent campdiningThat far north it does not get truly dark until after 11:00 pm. At the end of each evening hunt the group mounted their ATV's for a return ride to the tent camp. Some nights they didn't roll into camp until after 2:00 am! Even at that hour, there would be a hearty home cooked meal ready for the weary hunters.


Hunter bookended his hunt with bears on the first night and on the last night of the 6-day hunt. Alberta's licenses with 2-bear tags allowed him to get on the board early and then keep hunting. The group spent 40 hours in the blind over the week.

Thanks again to Double Diamond Wilderness Hunts and The Outdoor Dream Foundation for Hunter's hunt! Watch for it on Outdoor Dream TV. It's a show you won't want to miss.